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FuroStream is the base contract for creating and updating token streams; it is not called directly, but instead utilized via the router.

Important: Use the FuroStreamRouter to create streams; do NOT create streams directly.

Read-Only Functions


function getStream(uint256 streamId)
returns (Stream memory);

The function simply returns the stream associated with the provided streamId. It assumes that the streamId exists in the streams mapping. If it does not exist, it will return a default Stream object.


streamIduint256The ID of the stream.


This function is external, view, and override. This means it can be called from outside the contract, does not modify the state of the contract, and overrides a function with the same name in a base contract.


(no name)Stream memoryThe requested stream.


function streamBalanceOf(
uint256 streamId
) external view override returns (uint256 senderBalance, uint256 recipientBalance);

Retrieves the current balances of the sender and recipient in a specific stream.

  • streamId identifies the stream for which the balances are to be retrieved.


streamIduint256ID of the stream for which the balances are needed.


senderBalanceuint256Current balance of the sender in stream.
recipientBalanceuint256Current balance of the recipient in stream.


This function reverts if the provided streamId does not exist.


This function does not emit any events.

State-Changing Functions


function setBentoBoxApproval(
address user,
bool approved,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external payable override;

Sets the approval status of this contract as a master contract on the BentoBox for a specific user.

  • This function is a proxy to the setMasterContractApproval function on the BentoBox contract.
  • The approval is granted or revoked based on the approved parameter.
  • The function uses an EIP-712 signature (v, r, s) to securely implement the approval.


useraddressThe user address for which to set the approval.
approvedboolWhether the BentoBox approval should be granted (true) or revoked (false).
vuint8EIP-712 signature parameter: recovery byte of the signature.
rbytes32EIP-712 signature parameter: first 32 bytes of the signature.
sbytes32EIP-712 signature parameter: second 32 bytes of the signature.


This function is external, payable, and override, meaning it is accessible externally, can receive Ether, and it overrides a function with the same name in the base contract.


This function reverts if the setMasterContractApproval function on the BentoBox contract reverts.


This function does not return any values.


This function does not emit any events.


function createStream(
address recipient,
address token,
uint64 startTime,
uint64 endTime,
uint256 amount,
bool fromBentoBox
) external payable override returns (
uint256 streamId,
uint256 depositedShares

Creates a new stream of tokens from the sender to the recipient.

  • The sender must have approved the contract to transfer the amount of tokens on their behalf.
  • The stream starts at the startTime and ends at the endTime. The tokens are released linearly between these two times.
  • If fromBentoBox is true, the tokens are transferred from the sender's BentoBox balance. Otherwise, they are transferred from the sender's regular token balance.


recipientaddressThe address of the stream recipient.
tokenaddressThe address of the token to be streamed. If address(0) is used, it defaults to WETH.
startTimeuint64The unix timestamp for when the stream should start.
endTimeuint64The unix timestamp for when the stream should end.
amountuint256The total amount of tokens to be streamed.
fromBentoBoxboolWhether to transfer the tokens from the sender's BentoBox balance or regular token balance.


streamIduint256The id of the newly created stream.
depositedSharesuint256The number of shares deposited to create the stream.


This function reverts if:

  • startTime is in the past.
  • endTime is not strictly after startTime.


event CreateStream(
uint256 indexed streamId,
address indexed sender,
address indexed recipient,
address token,
uint256 depositedShares,
uint64 startTime,
uint64 endTime,
bool fromBentoBox

This event is emitted when a new stream is created.


This function is external, payable, and override, meaning it is accessible externally, can receive Ether, and it overrides a function with the same name in the base contract.


function withdrawFromStream(
uint256 streamId,
uint256 sharesToWithdraw,
address withdrawTo,
bool toBentoBox,
bytes calldata taskData
) external override returns (uint256 recipientBalance, address to);

Allows the sender or the recipient of a stream to withdraw a specified amount of shares from the stream.


streamIduint256The ID of the stream from which to withdraw.
sharesToWithdrawuint256The amount of shares to withdraw from the stream.
withdrawToaddressThe address to which the withdrawn shares should be transferred.
toBentoBoxboolWhether to transfer the withdrawn shares to BentoBox.
taskDatabytesArbitrary data to be sent to the ITasker interface if applicable.


This function is external and override, meaning it is accessible externally and it overrides a function with the same name in the base contract.


This function reverts if:

  • The caller is not the sender or recipient of the stream.
  • The number of shares to be withdrawn exceeds the recipient's balance.


recipientBalanceuint256The balance of the recipient after the withdrawal.
toaddressThe address to which the withdrawn shares were transferred.


This function emits a Withdraw event upon a successful withdrawal.


function updateStream(
uint256 streamId,
uint128 topUpAmount,
uint64 extendTime,
bool fromBentoBox
) external payable override returns (uint256 depositedShares);

Updates an existing stream by depositing additional funds and extending the stream's duration.

  • msg.sender should be the same as the sender of the stream.
  • The topUpAmount will be deposited to the stream, adding to the initial amount.
  • The extendTime is added to the current endTime of the stream, extending the duration.
  • The fromBentoBox determines whether the tokens should be withdrawn from the BentoBox or not.


streamIduint256ID of the stream to be updated.
topUpAmountuint128Amount of tokens to be added to the stream.
extendTimeuint64Time (in seconds) by which to extend the duration of stream.
fromBentoBoxboolWhether to deposit from BentoBox or not.


depositedSharesuint256Amount of shares deposited to stream.


This function reverts if msg.sender is not the same as the sender of the stream or if the total deposited shares would exceed the maximum uint128 value.


event UpdateStream(uint256 streamId, uint128 topUpAmount, uint64 extendTime, bool fromBentoBox);

This event is emitted when a stream is updated. It includes the stream ID, the amount added, the extended time, and whether the deposit came from BentoBox.


This function is external, payable, and override. This means it can be called from outside the contract, can accept ether, and overrides a function with the same name in a base contract.


function cancelStream(
uint256 streamId,
bool toBentoBox
) external override returns (uint256 senderBalance, uint256 recipientBalance);

Cancels an existing stream and returns the remaining balances to the sender and recipient.

  • msg.sender should be either the sender or the recipient of the stream.
  • The streamId identifies the stream to be cancelled.
  • The toBentoBox determines whether the tokens should be sent to the BentoBox or not.


streamIduint256ID of the stream to be cancelled.
toBentoBoxboolWhether to send remaining balance to BentoBox or not.


senderBalanceuint256Remaining balance of the sender in the cancelled stream.
recipientBalanceuint256Remaining balance of the recipient in the cancelled stream.


This function reverts if msg.sender is not the same as the sender or recipient of the stream.


event CancelStream(uint256 streamId, uint256 senderBalance, uint256 recipientBalance, address token, bool toBentoBox);

This event is emitted when a stream is cancelled. It includes the stream ID, the remaining balances of the sender and recipient, the token involved, and whether the balances were sent to BentoBox.


This function is external and override. This means it can be called from outside the contract and it overrides a function with the same name in a base contract.


function updateSender(
uint256 streamId,
address sender
) external override;

Updates the sender of a specific stream.

  • msg.sender must be the current sender of the stream.
  • streamId identifies the stream for which the sender is to be updated.
  • sender is the new sender of the stream.


streamIduint256ID of the stream to update the sender.
senderaddressAddress of the new sender of the stream.


This function does not return any values.


This function reverts if the msg.sender is not the current sender of the stream.


This function does not emit any events.